“In Flevoland, old remains from prehistoric times, the Swifterbant culture, are still regularly found. Pottery for example. This work shows a Swifterbant pot, fragmented and built up in stiff forms. At the side of the opening of the pot, I grow old agricultural crops such as bucket of wheat, chicory, Tatar buckwheat, amaranth or blue poppy seeds. The seeds of these crops have fallen out of the pot. " Landmark - a project of KVF - 2019
New life for 'dead' material. In 2010 was the first successful edition of Neverending Art. The 'Almere Principles' were chosen as a guideline. This has taken place in collaboration with and on the grounds of City and Nature. Some artworks can still be seen and are gradually being returned to nature. The artwork of Erik Fakkeldij has been discovered by beavers and feels very comfortable. The apple growers of Tom Claassen grow moss and grass and will eventually disappear. NEAAlmere stands for art in combination with sustainability and Cradle to Cradle. The aim is to demonstrate that waste is a high-quality raw material with which high-quality art can be made. It is a project based on respect for nature and a sustainable future. NEA collaborates with companies, organizations and artists who also find this important. NEA wants to bridge the gap between visual art, reuse and public. The Waste-Servies Project was created from this mission and the question of urban cleaning. We are currently in discussion with Stadsreiniging, Gemeente Almere, Growing Green and Cementbouw Recycling to realize a major art project with Almeers waste. It is still in the research phase.
Flevolands Vlijt - 2010 - project of Bertina Slettenhaar + Mariël Bisschops. The water-knittings around the trees in Almere-Haven, so colorful at the beginning of this year, have undergone a metamorphosis! Despite all weather conditions, the colors have remained sparkling. The knittings, now no longer silent around the tree, start to move. Let yourself be surprised and carried away by this fresh stream, which waves, deints, swirls and lapses. All waves eventually come together in the Almerian water.